Hello Everybody, In previous article “Hiring Software Consultant Extra Expense Or Advantage ?” I focused on why software consultant is needed to shape your business and compared it with real world examples. In this article we are going to focus on Need of Documentation, Need of software research tools or applications or collaboration tools and how we Increase our productivity with the help of such tools. Read More
What is DevOps Anyway?
Traditionally the words of software development, testing (also known as Quality Assurance) and the IT infrastructure needed to support such activities (often called Operations) were separate worlds. The developers would write code based on requirements they were given, testers would test the features based on the same requirements (hopefully?!) and the IT staff would provide the computers, networks, and software needed by the two other groups to perform their activities. They would also be in charge of providing different environments (development, test, staging, production) that could be used by the development and testing teams. Read More
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